Promotionscoaching für Individualpromovierende

Als Individualpromovierende fehlen Ihnen häufig der Austausch mit anderen Promovierenden und die Hilfe bei der Strukturierung Ihrer Promotion. Hier knüpft das interdisziplinäre Programm Promotionscoaching an. Es unterstützt Individualpromovierende im ersten oder zweiten Jahr über die fachliche Beratung durch Ihre Betreuenden hinaus.

Mehr Informationen erhalten Sie hier:

Basic Module - “Management Skills for Research and University”

The basic module “Management Skills for Research and University” within High Potentials - Academy for Postdoctoral Career Development for postdocs and junior professors imparts fundamental and science-relevant methods and instruments of management.

For further information:

International Teaching Professionals

The Potsdam Graduate School offers an English-language teaching certification designed as a supplemental qualification for internationally-oriented researchers. The International Teaching Professionals (ITP) program provides early-stage researchers with a comprehensive framework in which to further their university didactic skills and network with one another. The program is designed both for foreign PhD and postdoctoral candidates, as well as German researchers who aim at an international academic career.

For further information: